+44 (20) 7483 9500
business assurance program

Business Assurance Program

The most important aspect of a Telecom Operator’s business is the capability to go to the market with new offerings as quickly as possible. The BAP team addresses this need by being on-site, meeting with the Telecom Operator’s business and IT groups regularly, capturing the new requirements, testing them out and implementing them in the delivered solution. Under this service offering, UMT offers the domain knowledge and technical expertise of its CRM, Rating, Billing and Mediation Team to the customers to ensure that the continuously changing requirements of the Customer’s Business are addressed adequately by the UMT delivered solution.

What we deliver

  • Capturing the business requirements of the Telecom Operator and creating an understanding document (UD) for freezing the changes
  • Creating the software patch or changing the rule file or configuration as needed – this may be done off-site or on-site, depending upon the particular model of delivery.
  • Testing the changes in the test environment on-site and validation by Customer
  • Implementing the changes in the Customer’s Production environment
  • Training the Customer / Operator’s staff as needed
  • Creating the incremental documentation as needed.
  • Providing Level 1 and Level 2 support to the Operator’s staff during the bill cycles
  • Escalating Level 3 calls to the UMT Helpdesk and following up with off-site team for resolution as per SLA’s agreed upon.

Client’s Speak